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5 Tech Smart Ideas For your Office

October 15, 2014

Couple With LaptopWhether you are telecommuting for work or you are paying bills there are some great new gadgets that can help make your life a little easier. Here are some ways to upgrade your home office inside one of the beautiful Moseley new homes! The Belkin instant switch allows you to monitor energy usage and control of your appliances and electronics from anywhere in your home office. You can also set schedules and receive customized notifications. You will be able to control your electronics with the free WeMo App on your smartphone or tablet. (Compatible with Android 4.0 and higher or iOS 6 and higher.) Google Cloud Print will allow you to print anywhere and from any device. Connect multiple printers as well as share printers, so that others can print from your printers. If you are without a Cloud Ready printer, you can still get connected. Are you expecting a special delivery? Doorbot will let you know who is at the door before you unlock it. You can install a Wi-Fi doorbell, such as Doorbot. Most come with night vision cameras that will allow you to see and talk to your visitors before allowing them access. Do you take tech savvy to the next level? Then you maybe interested in Electric Imp, which allows you to connect anything to the Internet. You must have basic computer building and coding (Squirrel) knowledge to install this device. The Electric Imp will allow you to take any electronic device in your home office and connect it to a cloud-based service for monitoring through your Android or IOS. Come check out the Moseley new homes today!