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Six Spring Cleaning Hacks

March 9, 2017

Spring has sprung, and what better way to celebrate the season than with some good old-fashioned spring-cleaning! Main Street Homes has uncovered some clever spring-cleaning hacks to keep your new home sparkling and clean.
  1. Bubbles are your friends.
Fizzy colas and soda waters produce bubbling actions that make for great cleaners. For example, Coke is fantastic for clearing up rings found in your toilet. The inherent acids have abrasive powers that will surprise you with their ability to remove stains by simply letting the drink sit overnight. A quick morning scrub and that’s it! The same goes for your refrigerator. A simple combination of salt and soda water produces a bubbling action that lifts sticky stains away.
  1. Lime away.
Ever notice that lime gunk around your faucet? How in the world can you get rid of it? A simple trick is to lay paper towels over the fixture and let it soak for an hour. The soaking action softens the lime making it easier to remove.
  1. Clean screens.
Seeking a better view out your window? Think about cleaning your screens with one of these clever hacks: scraps of carpet or coffee filters. Carpet remnants work like a brush to grab all those pesky items stuck in the screens, and the thin paper of a coffee filter is perfect for wiping, leaving no residue behind.
  1. Messy microwave no more.
This hack is an oldie but a goodie for anyone whose microwave needs a refresh. Simply pour vinegar and hot water in a bowl and microwave it for 10 minutes. Think of it as steam cleaning for your microwave! The vinegar blend will soften the dried, hardened pieces that have stuck onto the walls of your microwave. When the time is up, remove the blend. Wipe away the residue with a damp cloth. Easy peasy!
  1. Drabby Drapes.
Sometimes we forget about things that hang in our home for long periods of time. Drapes and curtains, for example, need a good shake and some fresh air. So do blankets, comforters, and rugs. Give them a thorough shake to loosen the dust, and hang them outside for a bit. For curtains, run them through the air-fluff cycle in the dryer along with a wet towel for about 15 minutes. Hang them back up immediately after they’re done in the dryer.
  1. Meet the Magic Eraser?
Don’t you hate it when you’re little Picasso goes crazy with the crayons? Or when there's a mysterious permanent marker on wood surfaces? If you have some accidental “graffiti” materialize in your home, there are several options. First, if you’ve never tried a Magic Eraser, it truly lives up to its name. You can purchase one in the cleaning aisle of any grocery or drug store. If you’re in a pinch and can’t get to the store, try hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol to scrub away the impromptu artistic masterpieces in your home. We hope these spring-cleaning tips get your home in tip-top shape for spring.